Room Air Cleaner TAC V+

High performance, permanent air pollution control and virus filtering in high public traffic areas.

Powerful air cleaner for purifying areas and for efficiently reducing suspended matter and accumulations of aerosol particles in the vicinity of the device. An innovative combination of filtration and decontamination technology. Unique in the world and exclusive from Trotec!

The mobile high-performance air cleaner, TAC V+, was specifically designed for high volume public traffic areas, such as in the retail sector, leisure sector and other public institutions where many people pass through small spaces, resulting in the concentration of germs rising in the surrounding air. Recent scientific research shows that “coughed up pathogens will spread for several metres within a few seconds and remain infectious in the room air for up to 5 minutes”. Therefore, creating virus-free and filtered ‘clean air zones’ shall be a top priority in significantly reducing the infection risk from corona or influenza viruses.

The high-frequency air purification of the TAC V+ filters 99.995% of the pathogenic viruses, dust and micro fibres of paper and textiles from the room air reducing the risk of infection in a room to a minimum.

It is an innovative solution for creating zones with clean air that is free from viruses and pollutants. Being mobile, it just requires a power outlet near the zone to be cleaned. Depending on the required air change rate, the TAC V+ will produce a purified and filtered “clean zone area” of up to 320 cubic metres of air. Simply add additional units to clean larger areas. The powerful air circulating fan, combined with the integrated F7 pre-filter system and Trotec H14 HEPA filter, guarantees to separate airborne germs, viruses and dust, bacteria, spores or micro fibres from paper or textiles.

Your solutions partner

The special HEPA filter is equipped with a thermal self-cleaning function, automatically inactivating all viruses at regular intervals. This decontaminates the filter to 100%, offering reliable protection against germs and viruses throughout the day.

This system significantly reduces the risk of airborne infection in highly frequented areas and guarantees purified room air for employees, guests and customers. In addition to the high performance TAC V+ air purifier, we also stock the TES 200 and the TAC 6500 free-standing air purification solutions.

A few practical benefits:

Practical Applications

For a long time, it was assumed that dangerous viruses such as the corona virus spread mainly by droplet and smear infection (contact infection). However, more recent studies report that the SARS-CoV-2 virus, can also spread through the air in the form of microscopic airborne particles and remain infectious up to 3 hours.

For businesses and retailers, this means that the indoor air must be kept as clean and germ-free as possible – in addition to spray and wipe disinfection of surfaces, trolleys, counters, equipment, check out areas, etc carried out to date.