Case Studies

Swapping Heating for Cooling at a Major UK Distribution Warehouse

The challenge

Our client approached us during winter; requiring a boiler solution of their UK distribution warehouse. When the weather started warming up over the last few weeks we were requested to swap out the boiler for a chiller unit to provide workers on a packing line with air conditioning.

The solution

  • Our team de-installed the boiler onsite and removed; before delivering and installing the chiller. Doing this in one day we were able to save our client on additional transport cost
  • We were able to connect air handling unit pipework installed for our previous temporary boiler install. Allowing for very little disruption to the indoor install of the site. Leaving the AHUs in place but switching them from heating to cooling.
  • The chiller unit provided can effectively provide our client with a cooling solution with four air handling units spread across the warehouse floor for targeted people cooling.

The outcome

We provided an expert solution to keep the teams at a busy distribution warehouse cool over the summer months. Removing the boiler hire solution we had provided to make way for summer cooling. Our chiller paired with air handling units will provide powerful cooling in a large space.



Get in touch

See how our HVAC hire solutions
could work for your heating and
cooling requirements.